terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Atividade de Língua Inglesa 7º ano (Turmas 73 e 74)

Leia o texto a seguir com atenção:

Rick Watson is a talented 14 years-old American. He lives Colorado with parents and his little brother.

He goes to the local school with other teenagers but, different from the others students, he has a special computer to help him read and write braille in the classroom. This is because he is blind. He can't see. He is an excellent student and he has amazing ability to play the piano. He can't read music, but the can learn and play any song he hears very quickly. He loves dance music. He plans to study music in college and he wants to become a famous DJ.

1- Marque T ( verdadeiro ) ou F ( falso ).

2- Releia o texto sobre Rick e complete com CAN ou CAN’T.

DATA DE ENTREGA:  28/11/2013

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